ACT Next Steps

Use this page to understand more about how to use your ACT query results, limitations of the network, and tips and tricks for improving the accuracy of your queries.


After running an aggregate count search in ACT, what do you do next? This guide describes several different use cases for ACT, limitations of the network, and tips and tricks for improving the accuracy of your searches. A key takeaway should be that ACT is a tool to help you find which sites have patients or datasets that would help with your research, but you will likely need to reach out to collaborators at those sites to recruit those patients for a trial, perform chart reviews to confirm that findings in ACT are correct, or to establish data use agreements to access patient-level records. Finding collaborators at sites is difficult. Each site has a main ACT contact person, though due to limited resources, they might not be able to respond to your questions. Many sites also have websites with searchable online profiles of their researchers. These are useful tools for locating a potential collaborator who might be interested in working with you. As you reach out to potential collaborators, keep in mind that they will have many questions. They will want to know details about your study design, whether you already have a funded project or if you are looking for help preparing a proposal, whether the project has IRB approval, who the sponsor is, how many patients you need, and more. The next section of this guide provides a brief summary of each ACT use case, followed by detailed information for each use case. Click here for a directory of collaboration contacts and researcher profiles at each ACT site

Summary of ACT Use Cases

Clinical Trial Feasibility:

Benefits: Limitations:

Clinical Trial Recruitment:

Benefits: Limitations:

Using ACT for Research (this capability coming soon)

Benefits: Limitations:

COVID-19 Cohort Discovery

Benefits: Limitations:

Details: Clinical Trial Feasibility

Aggregate count searches in ACT can provide important data to help you design a clinical trial. With 150M+ patient records, representing almost half of the U.S. population, ACT can give you an upper bound on the number of subjects that you might be able to recruit for a trial. Note, though, there are many reasons why the actual number you can expect to recruit might be much lower: Despite these limitations, there are many ways ACT can help you increase the chances that your trial will be successful:

Details: Clinical Trial Recruitment

The ACT Network tells you which sites have patients that match your search criteria. However, it cannot identify individual patients or help you contact the patients. To do that, you will need to find a local collaborator at each site where you want to recruit patients. Below are some important things to consider:

Details: Using ACT for Research

More information and guidelines for this capability coming soon.

Details: Using ACT for COVID Cohort Discovery

There are some special considerations when studying COVID: